The Law Office of Stewart Jenkins has prosecuted and defended Public Interest cased enforcing individual and collective rights guaranteed by the California and United States Constitutions.  Freedom of Speech, Press, and Assembly are among the cases Stew Jenkins has handled here in the County of San Luis Obispo.

Stew Jenkins has brought successful action under California’s Civil Code of Procedure § 425.16 to throw out lawsuits brought to oppress citizens from exercising their Free Speech and Freedom to act as Journalists.  A motion to dismiss a suit brought as a “strategic lawsuit against public participation” can cut off those who viciously misuse the courts before discovery, depositions, subpoenas or other motions can be brought by a Plaintiff or a Cross-Complainant.  

Stew Jenkins has advised and represented citizens to enforce the open meeting laws under the Ralph M. Brown Act, and citizen access under Public Records Act to governmental records.   The California Public Records Act and provisions of the California Constitution give robust tools along with the Ralph M. Brown Act to access, review, and publicize records and information generated by local government authorities and officeholders to give Voters the ability to enforce the obligations of public officials and governmental agencies to serve the public and comply with the Law and the Constitution.

Brown Act Statute - Click on link to California State site below

Where local agency actions and ordinances violate the U.S. or California Constitutions or Statutes, Taxpayer & Citizen Lawsuits are available to compel Agencies, Cities, Counties, School and Special Districts to (1) stop violating the law and (2) to carry out their mandatory duties under the law. These challenges brough against District, City, County or California regulations, ordinances and statutes have democratized the Judicial System to so that, in many situations, any local Taxpayer or Citizen acting in the public interest can civilly prevent governments and agencies from violating the law as though that Taxpayer or Citizen stood in the shoes of the Attorney General. When successful, Private Attorney General Fees and Costs can be ordered paid by District, City, County or California regulations, ordinances and statutes.

Elections – Voting – Redistricting – Campaign Law

Serving San Luis Obispo County since 1978

For Election & Campaign Law Consultation

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Law Office of Stewart D. Jenkins
1336 Morro St.
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 541-5763